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Today take a moment to reflect back on your life noticing how much you have changed and grown. Think of one area of your life that has benefitted from you changing your mind. Sometimes the biggest shifts come from releasing the most basic thoughts. Those simple thoughts could have been unquestioned beliefs handed down through generations that sat at the foundation of your belief system. Once you had a chance to see them and decide to release them, your whole view was free to shift and expand.

Give yourself credit for having the courage to do that, to challenge a belief system. Take time now to reflect back on the changes that decision brought into your life: the people; the feelings; the job opportunities; the peace; and your heightened awareness. It probably brought many existing situations to a close as well as opening up new horizons for you. The new you.

Be encouraged by your progress. Let this reflection motivate you to be intentional about continuing to expand your mind and opening your heart. The work you do for yourself you also do for the world.